Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Could be this the definitive solution for autism ?

Interesting discovery by Professors Peter Scheiffele and Kaspar Vogt at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel

Link: Neuronal Circuits In Autism Can Be Reversed

Meanwhile remember that the language and conductual therapies are the most succesfull methods for increasing the independence of  ASD children

Try the Autism Speech DiegoSays App with new updates.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Before Autism Read and Write

We decided to add other elements to Autism Speech before releasing Autism Read and Write. Tomorrow we will include an option of "Learning Sets" to Autism Speech  app. 

 What are Learning sets ?. 

In the "Learning Sets" the objects are part of a setup for example, Livingroom, Bathroom or Kitchen. By pressing on this objects the child can hear and see the name of object. We'll also extend this option to allow including your own sets using pictures. If you have downloaded Autism Speech already then you only have to update the app to get the new updates. It is advisable to select the option of automatic update.

 Also you should know that we have uploaded new explanatory videos to youtube for Autism Speech Free and Pro.

Remember that if your language is not included in the TexttoSpeech of the android you could record the voices corresponding the pictures, change the text and the images also by accessing to the Images and Voices options of the Settings of the app. 

In order to use the recorded voices the option of "Recorded sound" corresponding to "Voices Sources" in General Settings of the app must be selected